data & tech

roodharige vrouw met bril analyseert documenten met een rekenmachine op een laptop aan een wit bureau

Insights that create profit

At Hamilton Bright, data forms the foundation for every store visit. Our field teams do not just visit stores randomly; each visit is backed by data and has a clear objective: to enhance your brand execution and increase ROI.

In a world full of valuable customer data, we quickly and smartly convert this information into action. This makes each visit more efficient and effective, tailored to the specific needs of your brand.

Questions we can help you with include:

  • Are my products available on the shelf?
  • What is the impact of the field team on my product availability?
  • In which stores do I have the most opportunity to optimize my shelf space?
  • Are my promotions displayed as agreed on the shop floor?
  • What is my shelf position compared to the competition?

With data on your side, you are always a step ahead.

Our expertise enables you to approach the right store at the right time with the right strategy, making your services even more valuable.

vriendelijke vrouwelijke sales promotor met blond haar in een blauwe blouse werkt voor Microsoft en houdt een laptop vast in de MediaMarkt

The power of data

“Data and technology are an indispensable element and form an integral part of the solution we offer our clients. We are convinced that our technological and data-driven solutions add value to our services and help achieve our clients’ goals. We transform data into valuable insights that help us improve our in-store performance and increase our clients’ ROI.”

Bart van den Broeck – Director Data & Tech

20 years of data-driven insights

At Hamilton Bright, we understand that access to the right information at the right time is crucial. With over 20 years of experience in FMCG and consumer electronics, we know the market inside out. Our presence on the shop floor and our international European footprint enable us to gather a wealth of data and experiences. We use these insights from across Europe to offer tailored solutions that truly make a difference.

Our team of specialists
Our team consists of certified data engineers and analysts who are experts in their field. Through years of collaboration with clients and daily interactions on the shop floor, we understand the challenges in the retail or out-of-home channel.

Our approach
We develop integrated solutions that are tailored from A to Z to the specific needs of our clients. All necessary insights are organized and accessible in one place.

A partner in growth
Hamilton Bright is your partner in growth. With extensive knowledge of European markets and in-depth experience, we support your strategy with the right data.

The benefits at a glance:

  • Gain valuable insights and uncover hidden patterns in your data.
  • Increase quality and ROI, making every store visit count.
  • Continuously improve the customer journey and stay relevant by responding to customer needs.
  • Transform data into strategic advantages through data-driven decision-making.

Technological solutions

Hamilton Bright utilizes advanced technological solutions to make data visual and comprehensible:

  • SmartSpotter: Gain quick insights into your in-store presence through crowd-sourced data.
  • REX: A complete, dynamic, and advanced field sales application for planning and reporting your retail execution.
  • CACI: Reduce travel time through route optimization. Less time on the road means more time in the store.
  • PowerBI: Transforms raw data into clear, actionable insights.

These tools are crucial for our data-driven total solutions, where we integrate data from various sources to provide a comprehensive overview. Our field teams ensure the practical application of these insights, making the effectiveness on the shop floor immediately visible.

Data gedreven totaaloplossingen

At Hamilton Bright, we offer tailored total solutions that enable everyone to easily read, analyze, and interpret data. Explore our total solutions below:

Perfect Store Model

This model evaluates store performance based on your KPIs and compares them to your ideal ‘Perfect Store.’ The model examines in-store situations such as product availability, the presence of displays, and the condition of fixtures.
Our Sales Representatives report their interventions, which are documented in REX and visualized in PowerBI.

Opportunity model

This model identifies stores where opportunities exist, allowing us to prioritize certain locations over the traditional classification of stores as A-B-C-D.
By focusing on these high-potential stores, we can allocate resources more effectively and drive better performance and ROI.




Data Driven Execution

Based on Current Sales Data. Daily cash register transactions per product group provide insights into expected versus actual sales figures. Lost sales data is also calculated and sent as an alert to our REX system. This system then dispatches tasks to our field team for necessary interventions, such as reporting incorrect inventory or reporting stolen stock.

Would you like to harness the power of data? Contact us!

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data & tech services

reporting & analyses

You can promote growth by making smart use of technology, data and insights. Data is key!

to service
reporting & analyses
field reporting

Insights and information from the shop floor(s) available to you 24/7.

to service

Ensure that agreements with the retailer are implemented and boost your brand reputation and sales!

to service
reporting & analyses

You can promote growth by making smart use of technology, data and insights. Data is key!

to service
reporting & analyses
field reporting

Insights and information from the shop floor(s) available to you 24/7.

to service

Ensure that agreements with the retailer are implemented and boost your brand reputation and sales!

to service